Wednesday, January 10, 2007

she that is

"somehow you came along and set my soul on fire" WILD huh UneXpected to sAY the leasT so Often I feel completely A.....LONE my THOUGHTS my DESIRES my LIFE of assistin HELPING others ThOUgh a Friend I Am it Comes NATUral if I dig YOU then I DO if I don’t then I won’t WANT you to Understand mE that is :pause: U Know beCause plAIN N siMPLE you DO NOT undeSTAND ME but SHE that is DOES N SHE that is IS Alone means a GREAT deal to ME but SEE there is MORE to it THAN that THAT is ME I that is ONE that ME I that is Wants to get to KNOW you for a LifeTIME that is Experience filled that is UnTIL the crossRoads have Met RealIZING that is we MUST not rUSH you see I feel you YOU feel me LEts take it s l o w ride IT Out N breathe ENJOY the Essence WE both persERVE mind, body, SOUL I hope YOU that is SHE oneday that is Can fully Understand ME that is a beING Who COULD Live Without "IT" get it? that is I get Fulfillment when I hear "Can you Handle It" I VISUALIZE "Ms.Syracuse" on the OTHER end that is Don't GET me WRONG you wILL see EXperIENCE that is what is MY True Heart, True Story, "Tru Life Narrative" that is

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

2005 to 2007

Senior in high school ampt to go to Eastern CT State U playin softball for the WaRRIors maroon, white, and blue majorin in Sports Management minorin in Communications the excitement AMAZING Eastern or out of state with consideration I CONSIdered what was best at the time EASTERN nOW 2007 I attend Eastern CT State U I play softball BUT I am in school to graduate in May 2009 regardless of WHAT you say with a Bachelors Degree in Sports Management and a minor concentration in Graphic DESIGN of my future MEntality has changed a lack of challenge? yes or no YEsss athletics then being a senior I thought was a bigger deal than it IS D3 to me that IS I take PRIDE in what I am apart of AMbitiOUS don't knock my goals ASpirAtions are what gets me THOUGHT of transferin HONESTY