Tuesday, January 2, 2007

2005 to 2007

Senior in high school ampt to go to Eastern CT State U playin softball for the WaRRIors maroon, white, and blue majorin in Sports Management minorin in Communications the excitement AMAZING Eastern or out of state with consideration I CONSIdered what was best at the time EASTERN nOW 2007 I attend Eastern CT State U I play softball BUT I am in school to graduate in May 2009 regardless of WHAT you say with a Bachelors Degree in Sports Management and a minor concentration in Graphic DESIGN of my future MEntality has changed a lack of challenge? yes or no YEsss athletics then being a senior I thought was a bigger deal than it IS D3 to me that IS I take PRIDE in what I am apart of AMbitiOUS don't knock my goals ASpirAtions are what gets me THOUGHT of transferin HONESTY

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